Haversac EDC™ - Visual Orientation
A next generation CDISC CFR 11 compliant electronic data collection system: Haversac EDC was designed by field professionals for field professionals, and these seasoned CRA veterans direct our software engineers through essential site environment workflow and functionality. Haversac EDC users complete trial tasks with a clean, fast, and efficient interface that provides uncluttered capabilities where and when they are needed. Haversac EDC delivers an intuitive orientation experience to guide user actions toward a faster, and more enjoyable, completion of study tasks.
Haversac EDC provides a visually rich next generation user experience by incorporating graphic interface designs from adjacent industries and introducing several innovative visual orientation techniques unique to the trial environment. Haversac EDC leverages a User’s intuitive graphic navigation skills to make sense of data and guide actions toward a faster completion of study tasks.
Haversac EDC offers an instant visual orientation of Data Entry and Quality Control (QC) requirements across the entire Study. This enables efficient and informed navigation and focuses the Haversac EDC® User on the timely completion of pressing trial actions. Some of Haversac EDC® unique trial interface features include:

1. Status Circles: The status of Visits, Forms, Questions and Query’s (“Data Elements”) are depicted throughout the Haversac EDC using Status Circles. These visual aids quickly and clearly communication the completion, quality, and query status of each Data Element.
1.a. Data Entry and QC: As easily seen in a screenshot nearby, the data for Subject 001-0004-RTY has been locked through Visit D01 and most of M01 except where prevented by an open Query. Data entry is complete in Visit M05 as indicated by the color yellow, but not complete in Visit M04 because it is white.
1.b. Open Queries: In the screen shot nearby, one can easily see an active Query indicated in the Status Circles by a red “Q”. This open Query indicator carries from the associated Question through the Visit level. This “Q” will act as a trigger indicator throughout the various Haversac EDC screens until the User takes action to have it closed.
1.c. Answered Queries: When an open Query has been answered, the Status Circles indicator changes to “A” for “Answered” to focus the attention of the User who is authorized to close Queries.
1.d. Rolling over Status Circles will pop-up a mini-report bubble to inform a User and guide the use of their time. Status Circles are informative and actionable towards study priorities as clicking on one takes a User directly to that Visit, Form, Question or Query that needs accomplishment.

2. All Subject Overview: The completion and QC status of all Subject Forms and the “Global”, or “Core”, event groups (MH, AE, CM, etc.) are depicted on the Haversac EDC® “Subject” tab view. The actions needed to move a study forward are made clearly obvious, and Users are visually encouraged to complete those tasks. From this view, a User can quickly hyperlink directly to a Subjects Form or Global event group to address open items with a click of the mouse.
3. Subject CRF Overview: The Haversac EDC® Subject CRF view, with a glance, provides a User with the status of a Subject’s every Visit, Form and open Query. This awareness guides their efforts to close and complete open items accordingly. Clicking Status Circles® jumps a user to Visit, Forms and Question views for quick informed data management.